Contact Us

If you would like to contact us, please use the email addresses below.

For information on the GMB branch for people who work in the sex industry and adult entertainment, please email or call 

For information on IUSW campaigns, please email 

For press and media enquiries please email

The IUSW gives voice to current, active sex workers. The IUSW is one organisation in the UK of individuals themselves working in the sex and adult entertainment industry. The IUSW offers a unique source of expertise and experience from people who see reality of the industry day to day: sex workers are the experts on our own lives. We can supply factual briefings, quotes, articles and human interest content available from no other source.

Articles by IUSW activists have been published in the Guardian, New Statesman, Red Pepper, British Medical Journal and several local papers, and can be read here (LINK)

Previous press releases from the IUSW and the GMB can be viewed on this site.

To receive our press releases, please join our Media mailing list.

To receive occasional updates, newsletters and ways you can  help campaign, please join our mailing list.